The ongoing crisis in Cameroon’s NW/SW has affected over 900,000 children, many of whom have been exposed to violence as well as risks like family separation, exploitation and abuse with 85% of schools closed. Most of these children have missed out on several years of school, and many have been separated from their parents and communities after fleeing fighting. To overcome the challenges they’ve faced, children need safe spaces to play, recover from trauma and regain psychosocial stability. The Youth Empowerment through Sport project funded by the UEFA Foundation For the Children with the support of Street Child used sports to address the  psychosocial needs of children affected by conflict and displacement, both in- school and out-of-school. Sports materials were provided to schools and communities and trained coaches, teachers and youth  combined sports and games with psychosocial support, counselling and life-skills development. The sports sessions were places to play as well  as an entry point for  healing and building life-skills for  conflict- and trauma-affected children. The Youth Empowerment through Sport project improved the knowledge of 10 community coaches, 16 teachers and 6 youth leaders (50% female) on coaching skills, child protection and safeguarding, PSS skills, 8 schools and 3 community centres were provided with a package of sports and play equipment. 4,990 children (at least 50% girls) participate in weekly sports and PSS sessions, 375 out-of-school adolescent girls are provided with dignity kits  and have improved knowledge of their rights, health and hygiene