In a multi country survey on Barriers to Adolescent Girls Education in which NADEV participated in November 2023 the IGNITE (Inspiring Girls and Grassroots Network for Inclusive and Transformative Education) consortium identified several barriers to adolescent girl education (Context Analysis/CSO Mapping in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of
Congo, Ethiopia, and Nigeria, December 2023).
NADEV in collaboration with BETA was opportune to receive a 14 months (July 2024 to August
2025) grant based on the analysis of the survey funded by the IGNITE consortium. The targeted communities and schools are GBHS Motombolombo in Tiko municipality, GSS Kang Barombi in Kumba III municipality and GBHS Muea in Buea Municipality with target to meet 300 girls in Southwest Region. The project has as goal: To promote adolescent girls access to education that enables them to enjoy their full potential, equal status with boys and become agents of change.
Project Objectives:
- To promote adolescent girls access to quality education
- To raise the awareness of education and community stakeholders on gender transformative education.
- To enhance the skills of teachers in delivering gender-responsive education and fostering an inclusive learning environment.
- To economically support marginalized adolescent girls’ families to attain financial security.
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